Agent Coulson

Film Review- ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ (***1/2)

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Nope, no strings on him. A whole bunch of creepy, though.
Nope, no strings on him. A whole bunch of creepy, though.

Avengers: Age of Ultron  ***1/2 (out of 5)

Starring: Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johanssen, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Don Cheadle, Paul Bettany, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Samuel L. Jackson, Thomas Kretschmann, Andy Serkis, and James Spader (voice)

Written by: Joss Whedon, based on the comic created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Directed by: Joss Whedon




In the past few weeks, it seems as though I’ve developed a little something called perspective as it relates to the comic and superhero genres of film.  Despite this blog’s moniker, I’m poor with the perspective on whether or not a comic film achieves what it sets out to do.  Seeing the unfortunate, typical ‘fanboy’ reaction to the recent Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice teaser trailer taught me something, however- nothing can be achieved or enjoyed if we take this genre too seriously, or expect Oscar-caliber material with each entry, despite how much The Dark Knight spoiled us.  These films should strictly be for fun, despite how deeply into the mythos we might delve.   I admit to caring far too much for them, but I now can tell myself these things: they do not exist to alter filmmaking as a medium (even if they have certainly influenced it), they rarely bring hidden issues to light, and they rarely open my mind to new ideas.  Having taken that necessary step back from the ‘everything is awesome’ attitude towards these films now, I can see this genre in a new light, the correct light.

It’s a good thing for Avengers: Age of Ultron that I came to this way of thinking.  Despite his likely best intentions, director Joss Whedon has not busted open the proverbial creative bank, nor has he topped what he accomplished the first time around.  He has, however, kept the material from being stagnant, whilst maintaining Marvel’s unique identity and giving us all the wit we can handle.  Age of Ultron can be  scatterbrained from time to time, lacking the focus attributed to previous films in this universe.  Some plot points are non-sensical, some are skipped over (like the entire point of the Iron Man 3 film), and we’re handed a surprisingly heavy dose of emotional detachment.  On the other hand, it’s an enormously entertaining and witty superhero epic, with gigantic, sometimes even unintelligible battle sequences that pound our senses into oblivion.  If we hadn’t invested our time, energy, and emotion in these characters already, the film would be a mess.  Alas, we’re invested so hard that it somehow works in spite of its’ flaws.

The film begins tying up the loose end that is the remainder of HYDRA, the World War II-era Nazi spin-off organization.  We know from the climax of Captain America: The Winter Soldier that S.H.I.E.L.D. is no more, and that HYDRA is holed up in the fictional land of ‘Sokovia’ with Loki’s scepter from the first Avengers story arc.  Baron Wolfgang von Strucker (Kretschmann) is in charge here, looking all “Bond villain-y” with his monocle and utilizing the technology within the scepter to do…something.  The Avengers storm his castle, which is oddly littered with unfinished robots, some newfangled tech, and two ‘special’ twins, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, respectively).  When we first encountered these ‘specials’ (they’re mutants, but because of silly rights issues, this film can’t call them “X-Men”) in the Winter Soldier end credits, they were caged, as if dangerous.  Clearly, things have changed, as Strucker can ‘unleash’ them like weapons against the invading Avengers.

One of the twins, the “witch” (Olsen), uses her mind-projecting powers on Tony Stark/Iron Man (Downey) to show him a future in which he is responsible for the end of the Avengers, and, in essence, the end of the world.  It’s a neat power she has, for it allows the plot to use her based on what it needs, almost like a ‘get out of jail free card for Joss Whedon.  Stark’s experience in Sokovia causes him to rekindle a romance with an idea he had shelved- the ‘Ultron’ program.  As he explains to Bruce Banner (Ruffalo), this defense program would, in essence, take the responsibility of saving the world off the Avengers.  Here’s the problem- in starting the Ultron program, he inadvertently creates artificial intelligence.  The film doesn’t focus on the greatest achievement in mankind’s history (the creation of A.I.), but we must remember- this isn’t a science fiction film, and talking about science would delay the explosions.

The ‘essence’ known as Ultron (voiced by James Spader) that emerges from a successful trial of the program rapidly becomes self-aware, gathers a rudimentary ‘body’, and in turn, begins to attack those that would reign it in.  I found it interesting, and sensible that at no point did Ultron choose the path of least resistance, and at no point did he show much sympathy- he simply chose the natural path of defending himself, another sensible option considering the framework of evolution.  You can imagine what happens after that- Ultron finds the Avengers to be a threat, and systematically attempts to eliminate them.  I also find it interesting that the combined intelligences of Stark and Banner couldn’t predict this outcome, with their acute scientific acumen and all.  I suppose it wouldn’t be much of a film if they had.

Everything that follows Ultron’s escape and subsequent terror plans is rather standard, and requires no explanation.  The fun in this film does not come from trying to make logical sense of what Stark and Banner did, nor does it come from most of the action set pieces.  Age of Ultron, like its’ predecessor, is at its’ best when the characters have time to talk.  It’s an epic action film, sure, but what myself and most of the crowd cheered for were the personal moments.  From the comraderie of the team when they storm the HYDRA castle to the exchanges at Stark’s party at Avengers tower, I loved the ‘lived in’ nature of the film as it recognizes and plays with the familiarity we have with these characters.  The banter between fringe team members like Falcon (Mackie) and War Machine (Cheadle), the budding romance between Black Widow (Johanssen) and Banner, and the other side of Hawkeye (Renner) that we get to see is the most fun we’ve had in a Marvel film. Captain America (Evans) again asserts his status as the rightful leader of this team, never wavering in his morality or his dedication.  This is an excellent, well-cast team of (mostly) professional actors, and when they’re allowed to interact as a team, it’s an extremely entertaining film.

I’ll go a step further on the casting brilliance and admit that Ultron is so much fun.  Spader’s voice is a perfect complement to the CGI creation- completely and totally unhinged, sarcastic, all-knowing.  Basically, he’s a psychotic hunk of vibranium.  Despite the fact that we know Ultron’s plan cannot ultimately succeed, as there are future movies already planned, I still appreciate and revel in his lunacy, even laughing in disbelief at some of the words spewing forth from his mouth.  Spader’s performance may not be the complete tour-de-force that Heath Ledger’s Joker was in The Dark Knight, but honestly, I don’t think it’s that far off.  At the very least, it is certainly the film’s main attraction.

As I said before, I needed to step away from my fanboy feelings as I watched the film.  Well, I suppose I needed to step away from my feelings on logic as well.  I’m sure “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”  explains where Agent Coulson is, but I haven’t watched the show, so I’m asking- where is Agent Coulson?  Where are any of the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents?  Why would Falcon sit out the end battle?  Why would Tony Stark push Iron Man aside in his last film, only to come back without question this time?  Why should I care?

I shouldn’t, and I won’t care too much.  Marvel has done a commendable job of creating their own cinematic world while keeping most of the moving parts in place.  I suppose one could consider that the whole is greater than the sum of its’ parts in reference to the Marvel Universe.  That doesn’t excuse some of the missteps and all-too-easy confluence of events in Age of Ultron, but if you see the film as part of a twenty-two picture saga (including future installments), the missteps are more palatable.  This is the eleventh film of the saga, the literal midpoint, which would seem to be the fulcrum for future change in this universe.  We sort of see it, and some events, like the immaculate conception of Vision, show a different voice and look from what we’ve seen before.  The fanboy side of my brain, however, just wished for a slightly bolder, and braver, take on this universe we’ve come to know so well.  I wish I could have sat with Whedon as he put the pen to paper, whispering ever so gently as he wrote, “Come on, man.  Do something brave.  Do something bold.  We can take it; heck, we WANT it.  We love these characters, even enough to let them go if necessary”.  Instead, as our mid-credits scene promises, Age of Ultron is simply another bridge-builder, forcing us to stay tuned for the climax.  Here, I begrudgingly give you my future money.

Film Review- ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ (****1/2)

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Well that's something you don't see every day.
Well that’s something you don’t see every day.

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier”   ****1/2 (out of 5)

Starring: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders with Robert Redford and Samuel L. Jackson

Written by:  Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely

Directed by: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo


Until now, Marvel’s high-water mark had been 2012’s “The Avengers”, a slick, brilliant achievement in movie-making that actually lived up to the hype.  Since then, this universe (groundbreaking as it may be) has been uninspiring.  The mild amusement of “Iron Man 3” coupled with the sub par “Thor: The Dark World” led me to wonder if the franchise had lost its’ mojo.  Considering the lackluster ratings for the tie-in TV show ‘Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’, it wasn’t hard for me to suspect that the best this group had to offer might be behind us.

Fortunately, the reports of Marvel’s death are premature.  Not only is “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” Marvel’s best offering, it deserves praise as an excellent film as well, reinvigorating the entire ‘Avengers’ universe.  To paraphrase the Captain himself, take away the suits from this film, and what do we have?  A fantastical surprise- a spy thriller, a political potboiler of a story (in the vein of a ’70s paranoia film), and a topical, dark, cautionary tale. Oh yeah, and a glorious action spectacle.  Sure, audiences may not leave this film pondering existence like they might with a Malick film, but I dare you to find a more entertaining, tense action movie the rest of this year.

When we left Steve Rogers (Evans), he had just finished leading a motley crew of heroes to victory in New York over an army of aliens, then closing a portal to another dimension.  One can imagine that any subsequent mission might seem mundane, but the mundane is what the Captain prefers- he just happens to be inundated with super soldier serum.  The Captain has settled into his role as Nick Fury’s (Jackson) lead dog, but he has grown weary of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s increase in power, and weary of Fury’s excuses for having said power.  The two have mutual respect for each other as soldiers, but sit on different ends of the ideological spectrum.  Fury’s distrust of people has brought him success; Captain America’s distrust in those who distrust people has brought him a modicum of the same.  Fury believes people might just need to be protected from themselves, whereas the Captain stands firm on the idea that any sacrifice of freedom is not right.

The film allows their conflict to spill out on-screen, as the two career soldiers are forced to test their beliefs when a mysterious assassin targets S.H.I.E.L.D. and its’ agents.  As Black Widow (Johansson) explains, this ghost of a bad guy is the stuff of legend.  This legend is responsible for many of the world’s top ‘hits’ over the past 50 years, and she should know- Natasha did, after all, tell us ad nauseam that she has red on her ledger.  The question, of course, is who this emo-cyborg is that keeps showing up to bring the pain, and how much this ‘Winter Soldier’ might mean to Captain America.  While not a groundbreaking comic film antagonist, the Winter Soldier is given a fine arc, bolstered with an effective flashback scene, further enriching our understanding of their special bond.  He’s a righteous opponent for Captain America- both a physical equal and an emotional test.

The assassin’s appearance actually sparks the arrival of a greater evil, the onus for the film’s ever-present tension.  Nick Fury sensed this through his prescient understanding of the world’s rhythms; well, as Gloria Estefan warned us, the rhythm is gonna get you.  Fury is pursued in a scene that rivals the greatest street fights and car chases in film history, and sparks the plot.  The resulting chaos forces our heroes to become fugitives, hunted from every angle by those they worked alongside and trusted until they learn of the real plan.  Without revealing anything crucial, I can say that the script provides appropriate reasons for the treachery, and when viewed as an entire story, brings the ‘Avengers’ arc to a precipitous and revelatory head.  It’s a risky, game-changing decision, bold enough to earn my highest marks, in that it 1) makes sense, and 2) provides real danger to all our heroes- even the ones not in this film.

I imagine it’s also apropos to mention that the good Captain (and Chris Evans) finally gets a chance to stretch his legs as a character here.  His ‘power’ seems more tangible here, and he gets the chance to actually portray some depth, and (gasp) maybe even find a date.  He does end up finding a trusted friend and worthy peer in Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), a former paratrooper who now spends his time counseling vets dealing with post-war stress.  Sure, the plot needs him, but it was easy to buy Wilson as a peer, for he appears to be much like the Captain- just short of superhero abilities, in which the film finds comedy.  Wilson is an important character in comics- not simply because of his abilities, but because his alter ego ‘Falcon’ (adapted well here to fit a modern context) turned out to be the first African-American superhero in major comics.  The script gives this character a sensible role in this universe, one that is likely to expand.  The film even allows for Black Widow to aspire for more than simply a super-spy; she’s vulnerable, clearly shaken by the film’s events, and we discover the odd understanding from opposite ends of the spectrum between herself and the Captain.

When comic books are at their best, the story reflects our society in a specific way, channeling the zeitgeist.  Sure, the artwork is wonderful and occasionally iconic, but it is the topical, relevant, and reflective nature of the stories that people remember most.  This film resembles the best of those comics, in that it brings some rather obvious real-world issues to the forefront.  Think about it- do we expect comic films to touch on the idea of sacrificing freedom for protection, and then have characters figure out that morality on-screen (with respects to “The Dark Knight”)?  What about the manipulation of our personal data into future projections of ability?  The brainwashing and torture of POWs?  See what I mean?  This is no Saturday morning cartoon.

Sure, we do wonder where Hawkeye is during all of this, being a trusted advisor to Fury and all, and where in the world is Thor when you need him?  I must forgive this film those small logistical omissions, for there is an inescapable earnestness that must be acknowledged.  This is a film that rises above the source material, creating a cohesive, smart experience.  These unproven filmmakers, Anthony and Joe Russo, made the heck out of this movie, and I applaud them.  Fans should be salivating that these two directors have been asked back for the third film, and delighted that the Marvel universe seems to have righted itself (for the time being).

*Note- Stay through the end credits, for there are not one, but two additional scenes.  Are they great?  No.  Are they essential?  No.  Will you stay and watch them anyways?  Yes.